**I wrote this not to get a nod of approval. Nor howls of disdain. Nor to adulterate the sacred confines of one's brain. Hold fast to your beliefs. But respect those of others.
My faith has always been a simple equation
No complicated dividends or percentages
Just faith.
Faith in something greater than you or me
Or this universe.
It is a belief in something good.
A gift of omnipotence from which my soul is merely a cell
Amongst millions?
Some number that I can't count
And I'm fine with that.
Because, everyone can come to me with their "religion"
And I always end up where I was in the beginning.
A higher power to believe in...
And all the opinions built around it.
No, I'm not saying I'm supposed to get it all.
What I am saying is why spend my life trying?
Why not just attempt living since I'm already dying?
Since when is it so wrong for me to breathe oxygen
From wherever I please, however I choose?
What if we are here to pave our own way?
What's that you say?
The book says?
No disrespect, but pages can be burned...
And intuition can't be learned
Or twisted, or contorted to fit one's beliefs
So I think I'll just hold onto the rhythm beating inside of me.
Surely, I'll make my own mistakes
But a lesser man is designed out of the ones he makes
And a greater man is created and recreated through what he can take away.
So holding fast to my beliefs is where I'll stay.