Gray world
Why do you threaten me?
With your mundane ways of simplicity?
You stifle my desire to breathe
Pin down my eyelids so I can't see
What are you afraid of?
Is there some secret I cannot discover?
Why do you cheat me like some unfaithful lover?
Gray world
There is something out there for me to find
For I have heard the voices and seen the signs
Of unfounded treasures that are surely all mine
Why, oh why are you so selfish and unkind?
What are you hiding?
Is there more besides this box you call my life?
Why do you stab me in a back with a knife
Gray world
Give me the key to that door
That will grant me the vivid colors I long for
Instead of leaving me feeling aimless and poor
Will you leave me lost here begging for more?
How long will you lie to me?
Gray world
All I ask is that...
You set me free.