They tried to force me to stay in line
Do what I was told
Stay true to the common road
As they preached how it’s the only way I’ll reach my
Gleaming destination
And yet
With every step I took on their path
Created from their own temptations
To keep me down
A little bit more of that shine went away
Till I was left with a dull and gray
Feeling more like a weight on my heart
Rather than the winged joy
For which my eager soul had originally embarked
And then came the chains
Bound to my arms and feet
Before I had made it halfway
I was frustrated and weak
And still they kept telling me
‘This is the only path you must see’
And so still I kept walking
Past the pain of the bleeding blisters
And chafing of my brain
All the while knowing that my dream
Was no longer the same
What had once been fresh and real
Was now stripped down to an illusion
That even if it found its way into my hands
Would never be more than some sick delusion
Always present but never existent
Never progressing but forever persistent
And it was at that moment of realizing this
That I stopped in my tracks and said
“Enough of this shit.”
The well-beaten road just isn’t for me
It stretches in either direction as far as the eye can see
Preventing those who walk it from ever being free
Of a gray mediocrity and molded mentality
I know for a fact I was meant for something more
But if I continue to ignore opportunity knocking at every door
What exactly am I living for?
This is my life.
I’ll blaze my own trail and follow it to the very end
Looking forward to the challenges around every bend
Think what you will
And say what you’ll say
But rebel’s blood flows through my veins
And that’s the way it’s gonna stay.