Paper strings keep pouring out of my pocket
No matter what I do I can't seem to stop it
I grab and reach
But my hands are sliced open and I bleed
I stare in wonder to see I'm filled not with blood
But nickels, quarters, pennies, and dimes
The aroma of dirty metal fills my nose
And I sneeze dollar bills?
All the while paper strings keep flowing
Up and out
Into the greedy hands of those much bigger than me
Richer than me
Monsters bound to the paper strings
All those dollar signs and shiny things
Meant to erode the soul
Infect the mind
And without us knowing even speed up time
Stuck in the neverending rat race
Before we know we're caught up in the chase
For nicer clothes, faster cars, bigger homes
And for what?
Giving our all to this system
and only gaining in return
More ice for our hearts
And more money to burn....