That ain’t no bullshit.
You know it, I know it
Our faces show it
Yet we keep playing these games
Phone tag
Hide and go skeet
Kiss around your rosie
Pushing buttons
All for nothing
Just for the simple fact that
I’m hooked on you
And you’re hooked on me
Both of us wanting to be free
From the hold we have on each other
Like a ring that won’t come off
My middle finger
You say “Fuck you”
I say “Screw It”
I try to pull you off
But I just can’t do it
Sure, a little oil or butter might do the trick
But truth is without you I get heartsick
Can’t let you stay out of my way for more than a few
And right on time, you come back unable to get enough
Of me, the one addiction you can’t shake
Like Amy in Rehab, the treatment doesn’t take
And you come back saying you miss me
Or rather what’s in my pants
While I’m stuck in my own little trance
Of whether I should let you back in again
And then,
I open my door, kiss your lips
Lay you down on the floor
Loving how we’re like two chess pieces on a checkerboard.