Nobody heard him.
His name was David
But Ghost was his alias.
Quiet and shy
Always kind and never one to lie
He stood out like a sore thumb
So they made him the butt of every joke
Oh how their jeers choked
The self-esteem right out of his soul
So when he went home
There was nothing protecting him from hell.
Nothing stopped his uncle from touching him at night
Or his brother from watching, too paralyzed to fight
Nothing stopped his mother from drinking herself into a stupor
Nothing stopped David from wanting to shoot her
For not leaving him with his older sister and father
Who, by the way, never even bothered
To try and save him.
Years went by and next thing you know, his mother dies
But that night, for her, David couldn’t cry
Because his uncle was too busy enjoying his ride
And then David had enough.
When his uncle was finished, sweaty and exhausted
David went to the bathroom and that’s where he lost it
He reached beneath the toilet, and found his favorite knife
The one he could never use before to take his life
It’s steel head gleamed with purpose as he placed it against his skin
And he looked up to the heavens and whispered, “You win”
Nobody heard the blade slice through his wrists
Nor the blood as it flowed freely and dripped
Staining the white floor around his bare feet
He slid down the wall, and closed his eyes for one final sleep
Nobody heard David’s tears as his life slipped away
Nobody knew what happened to him until the following day.