I was curious to see
What was flowing inside of me
So with swift bladed motion
I cut myself open
One, two, three times
Perfect lines
Across my chest
Took my heart out and watched it beat...
To my amazement I was not dead
And what my heart bled
Was not red...
What flowed out had a rhythm
Black notes bobbing up and down
Never once spilling onto the ground
But winding it's way back into me
Through my veins and capillaries
I was in awe
And so curious me
Decided to touch a note...and I heard a
Or rather a do, re, mi
For after one, I had to touch three
Bewildered by the fact that I was bleeding sound
I let go of my heart
Only to find it did not fall apart
For the notes held it up and kept it beating
Kept it vibing, kept it bleeding
And then I noticed my breathing
Faster now, and so faster they flowed
Quarters, eights and even an occasional rest
It was composing at it's best!
For an hour I tapped my notes
Breathing slower and faster
Until I was the master of my own beat
But suddenly, the music stopped
And my heart dropped
But before it hit the ground
My eyes snapped open
And I saw the dead iPod i was holdin.