Figure of speech
Designed to teach
Or rather play upon the fact
That things aren’t what they seem
The way diamonds on your fingers gleam
With a value only made real by a man
But had he died before his great plan
Came into fruition
Would humankind still listen?
To the opinion
That sparkly things bring joy
And feed an empty belly
I can’t use them…
To make peanut butter and jelly.
To relieve the swollen stomachs
Of the piss pot damned
And once again I’m ass slammed
Into reality’s shit-covered can
And when I stand to get up
They get me fucked up
With shiny bling and fancy things
And gilded illusions to make my heart sing
Having a value only made real by a man
But had he died before his great plan
Came to fruition
Would humankind still listen?
To the delusion
That all that glimmers is indeed gold
And is ours to cherish and hold
His blood is gleaming
Brighter than the most precious gem
And so is the gun I’m holding
So when?
Do I get all the chromed-out rewards
I was promised?
So the sirens sound
And as I’m slammed to the ground
I’m bitchslapped
Right into Karma’s naked lap
And as I try to get up
She grabs my wrist
Pulls me close and kisses my lips
Then whispers in my ear
The one thing I’ve grown to fear
That story about the money and gold
I swear I need
But they only have a value made real by a man
But had he died before his great plan
Came to fruition
Would humankind still listen?
To metaphors of greed which we can’t seem to escape
Figures of speech
Designed to teach
Or rather play on the fact
That we cannot step back
From the desired
We lack.